Validation code

17 years 8 months ago #518 by Pete
Replied by Pete on topic Validation code
To find your GD version, just put this into a PHP file and run it:
<? phpinfo(); ?>

It will give you all the PHP settings, including the GD version (do a search on the output page above to find the version).

DigiOz Webmaster

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17 years 8 months ago #519 by Norman
Replied by Norman on topic Validation code
Hi Pete, did not expect you to come back so quickly :o

I have just run my test.php (has phpinfo command in it) on the server and here is what I have under GD.

GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled

Thanks, Norman

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17 years 8 months ago #521 by Pete
Replied by Pete on topic Validation code
I am actually running that exact same version of GD Library on my local server, so your problem is not GD related. Try changing your config.php file to the default config.php file (download it again), and only set the image verification option to true. Run the guestbook this way and let me know if this works for you (I am thinking maybe on your server one of the other options is interfering with the image verification).

DigiOz Webmaster

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17 years 8 months ago #522 by Norman
Replied by Norman on topic Validation code
OK Pete, I will do as you suggest but it will not be today. I have made some changes to config.php but I do not believed I have messed it up. No php errors are being seen.


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17 years 8 months ago #526 by Pete
Replied by Pete on topic Validation code

Norman wrote: OK Pete, I will do as you suggest but it will not be today. I have made some changes to config.php but I do not believed I have messed it up. No php errors are being seen.


Sure bud, take your time with it. It would also help for you to post your config.php file here (you may be doing a keyword filter on a character that's invalid, and that may somehow be interfering with your image verification).

DigiOz Webmaster

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17 years 8 months ago #530 by Norman
Replied by Norman on topic Validation code
Hi Pete, I have not yet tried the original config.php but see below the modified config.php that is in use. The only exceptions are that I have replaced the $admin_notify_email and the admin username/password for obvious reasons. Please excuse the expletives in the file. Verification is currently disabled because it is frustrating the users.

Thanks, Norman
****************************************************************************************************** <?php // Variables for making a field optional in form ------------------------------------- $email_optional = 1; // Set "1" for optional email, "0" to make it required $name_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional name, "0" to make it required $message_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional message, "0" for required // Variables for notifying administrator when a new message is posted ---------------- $notify_admin = 1; // Set "1" to notify administrator through email // when a new guestbook entry is written. // Warning: To use this feature you will have to have // your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini set. // Enter the admin notification email subject bellow $notify_subject = "Fisgard Aassociation Guestbook"; // Enter administrative email to receive notification $notify_admin_email = ""; // Body of the notification message $notify_message = "A new entry has been submitted to your DigiOz Guestbook."; // Variable for choosing language file name ----------------------------------------- $default_language = "language.php"; // Image Verification Feature ------------------------------------------------------- $image_verify = 0; // Do Image Verification to prevent spam post // This option requires your PHP to have been // compiled with GD 2.0.x or higher library so // it may not work with all server environments. // However, image verification is the MOST effective // way of getting rid of spam, so we highly recommend it. // Admin Interface Username --------------------------------------------------------- $_Username = "admin"; $_Password = "admin"; // Flood protection setting --------------------------------------------------------- $gbflood = 1; // Set "1" to prevent flooding, "0" to disable it $referersKey = 1; // Set "1" to check to see where submitted guestbook // messages are coming from or "0" to disable it $referers = array ( '', // Your domain name without WWW '', // Your domain name with WWW ''); // IP Address of your site $gbIPLogKey = 1; // Set "1" to log IP of Visitor for each post "0" to disable $banIPKey = 1; // Set "1" to block posting of banned IP or "0" to disable // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Below you can list known IP addresses you would like to block. ----------------- // We have given you a list of known spammers bellow. Feel free -------------------- // to either use our list or delete our list and create your own ------------------- // based on the IP logs of the guestbook. For updates to our list ------------------ // of known spammers please visit or email our ---------------------- // tech support team. -------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $banned_ip = array(); $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = '';// User banned $banned_ip[] = '';// User banned // Bad word filter for guestbook ----------------------------------------------------- $gbBadWordsKey = 1; // Set "1" to filter bad words, "0" to not filter $gbBadWords = array( -- Truncated By Admin -- ); // Spam Detection ------------------------------------------------------------------- $gbSpamKey = 1; // Set "1" to Block Spam based on Keyword entered $gbSpam = array ( -- Truncated By Admin -- ); // End of Configuration File -------------------------------------------------------- ?> ******************************************************************************************************

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